Should You Go to Work When You Didn’t Get Any Sleep?

So you weren’t able to get any sleep last night, and all you want to do is crawl back under the covers and hit snooze all day long, but you can’t because you need to go to work. Now you’re at a crossroads; either you suck it up and go to work, or you call… Continue reading Should You Go to Work When You Didn’t Get Any Sleep?

Why Is Emotional Resilience Important? 9 Reasons

Ever wondered why some of your friends or relatives are able to remain calm in high-pressure or stressful situations when others seem to come undone? People with the uncanny ability to keep their cool where others might lose theirs have what psychologists call emotional resilience, or the ability to utilize their strengths and skills to… Continue reading Why Is Emotional Resilience Important? 9 Reasons

10 Examples of Resilience at Work

In today’s workplace, employees are expected to multi-task and hustle from nine to five and often longer. How do you become resilient and beat workplace burnout to maximize your capacity at work? Whether you are hustling for a promotion or just staying afloat, it is easy to become mired in your work and lose focus.… Continue reading 10 Examples of Resilience at Work

Can Exercise Help with Burnout?

Burnout is something nobody wants to experience, but it happens nonetheless. In today’s fast-paced, stressful world, burnout often happens to people who do not know how to handle it. They wonder if there is a way to feel better and look to exercise since exercise is a healthy activity that helps overcome many things. Exercise… Continue reading Can Exercise Help with Burnout?

Can You Be Productive on 5 Hours of Sleep?

Have you ever gotten poor to little sleep, then when your alarm goes off, you’re left wondering: “Can I even function on this much sleep…or lack thereof?” For example, just how productive can you be on five hours of sleep?  Only receiving five hours of sleep will have no initial effect on performance or productivity,… Continue reading Can You Be Productive on 5 Hours of Sleep?

Is Working From Home More Productive? Here Are The Facts

With the number of people working from home constantly rising, it raises the question, is working from home more productive? We did extensive research. Here are the facts.  Data gathered from multiple surveys show people who work from home, even occasionally, are 47% more productive. This is because working from home is providing employees with… Continue reading Is Working From Home More Productive? Here Are The Facts

5 Overlooked Causes of Burnout in Healthcare Workers

Health care workers are one of the essential types of workers we need across the world. Due to the nature of their job, they are highly susceptible to experiencing burnout. Burnout in a job can lead to numerous side effects, which can affect overall health. Burnout can be experienced by anyone working in the health… Continue reading 5 Overlooked Causes of Burnout in Healthcare Workers

8 Useful Tips to Be Productive When Suffering From Burnout

Being productive is difficult under the best of times, but it becomes even more difficult during periods of professional or personal burnout. Burnout is described as a condition of physical and mental exhaustion related to overwork or overwhelming circumstances. It can cause physical symptoms like headaches and fatigue as well as mental symptoms like loss… Continue reading 8 Useful Tips to Be Productive When Suffering From Burnout

15 Important Workplace Accommodations for Burnout in Nurses

Nursing is an incredibly important component of running a hospital, and nurses often shoulder heavy responsibilities in order to ensure everything runs smoothly, which can lead to quite a bit of stress and exhaustion. Luckily, this does not have to be the case. Management at healthcare facilities can provide helpful workplace accommodations to help stave… Continue reading 15 Important Workplace Accommodations for Burnout in Nurses

Are You Burned Out Or Just Lazy? 5 Ways To Know For Sure

The phrase “feeling burned out” has been recurring more frequently with the rise of awareness of job satisfaction and self-care. We all tend to feel burned out from our jobs and activities at one point or another, but how do we know if we are genuinely burned out or are just lazy? To know if… Continue reading Are You Burned Out Or Just Lazy? 5 Ways To Know For Sure