Why Burnout Happens and How Bosses Can Help

The healthcare industry is one of the most demanding industries to work in, but it also has a lot of rewards. Healthcare professionals see their patients at their worst and are often on call for emergencies. This can lead healthcare professionals to burnout, which will have negative impacts on themselves and those around them. Burnout… Continue reading Why Burnout Happens and How Bosses Can Help

What Time Should You Wake Up To Be Productive?

Maximizing productivity is a hot topic at the forefront of many peoples’ minds these days. This is especially true since we have been on quarantine lockdown for over a year now and many are still working from home. So, what time should you wake up to be productive? Recent studies and polls indicate that you… Continue reading What Time Should You Wake Up To Be Productive?

Are Engaged Employees More Productive?

If there is one thing that can make or break a company, it is the employees that work for it and whether or not they’re productive. More specifically, it is the various traits and mentalities of employees that determine the success of a company. Employees that are engaged and like what they do, overall, are… Continue reading Are Engaged Employees More Productive?

Can Time Management Reduce Stress?

Stress has many adverse effects on one’s mental and physical health. However, most modern work requires a degree of stress, which makes one wonder whether there are ways to reduce stress while retaining productivity. Is time management one of those ways? Time management can reduce stress as it simplifies your workflow and reduces things like… Continue reading Can Time Management Reduce Stress?

How to Be More Productive Without Stress

productivity tips to reduce work related stress

According to research published in the American Health Journal, most heart attacks happen on Mondays. This shows how much stress the average individual takes regarding work. But how can someone be more productive without stress? To be more productive without stress, you must eliminate distractions, set a schedule that considers your working habits, and gamify… Continue reading How to Be More Productive Without Stress

What Is Workplace Resilience? Everything You Need to Know

The modern workplace is full of stressors and strain. Therefore, today’s employers are keen to get employees who can navigate this tricky environment without succumbing to the intense pressure. Such people exhibit what is known as workplace resilience. Workplace resilience is one’s ability to respond to the constant pressure and heavy demands of work life.… Continue reading What Is Workplace Resilience? Everything You Need to Know

Can Resilience Be Developed at Work? Here Are the Facts

Change happens at breakneck speeds due to new technologies and changing environments, which leads to the immense pressure that can overwhelm employees and their organizations. Resilience is now characterized as character traits that cope with these pressures. Resilience can be developed at work as you can actively develop the habits and skills to respond to… Continue reading Can Resilience Be Developed at Work? Here Are the Facts

Does Being More Productive Make You Happy?

Nowadays, the world only seems to be interested in one thing: how much work we can fit into a certain amount of time. “Productivity” is the new ‘it-word.’ There are books about it that teach thousands of people how to be more productive, but is there actually anything in it for us, and does being… Continue reading Does Being More Productive Make You Happy?

Should You Go to Work When You Didn’t Get Any Sleep?

So you weren’t able to get any sleep last night, and all you want to do is crawl back under the covers and hit snooze all day long, but you can’t because you need to go to work. Now you’re at a crossroads; either you suck it up and go to work, or you call… Continue reading Should You Go to Work When You Didn’t Get Any Sleep?

10 Examples of Resilience at Work

In today’s workplace, employees are expected to multi-task and hustle from nine to five and often longer. How do you become resilient and beat workplace burnout to maximize your capacity at work? Whether you are hustling for a promotion or just staying afloat, it is easy to become mired in your work and lose focus.… Continue reading 10 Examples of Resilience at Work