With people working from home or simply adjusting from the work schedule that they used to be accustomed to, it is not uncommon for you to experience burnout syndrome. With the recent transition of habitual daily life being altered completely, you might find yourself having to deal more often with stress, anxiety, and general fatigue. Burnout syndrome can be a result of any or a combination of the above problems.
There are many factors to keep in mind when you learn how to manage your burnout syndrome. Burnout syndrome is now officially a mental illness in severe circumstances. As with any other mental problem, it can take a very precise set of steps to follow to manage your burnout syndrome.
Don’t stress. We’re here to help you learn how to manage your burnout syndrome. From at-home methods to professional health, burnout syndrome requires great care and specific remedies. However, this article will simplify those remedies for you. Keep reading to find out more about managing burnout syndrome and brain fog.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Burnout Managing Strategy

When it comes to managing your burnout syndrome, you might find some of these methods more effective than others. The important thing is to find what works best for you, whether it be one, a few, or all of these methods.
Keep in mind that burnout syndrome is typically a result of work or school-related stress brought on by yourself. Procrastination, overworking, and worry are just a few of the causes that can stimulate burnout syndrome.
You are probably aware of how complex your mind is. However, if you find the right way to manage burnout syndrome, you will learn that your mentality will greatly influence the stress you allow to cause brain fog. Below are the best methods to try when learning how to manage burnout syndrome.
Familiarize Yourself with Burnout Syndrome Stages
There are different stages of burnout syndrome, ranging from small levels of anxiety or stress to complete exhaustion that prevents you from getting work done. It is essential that you learn about these different stages to familiarize yourself with your mental condition.
Mild Symptoms | Signs of work or school-induced stress and/or anxiety, minor procrastination, less motivation than usual |
Moderate Symptoms | High stress and/or anxiety, noticeable mental and physical health deficiency, low motivation, decrease in job performance |
Severe Symptoms | Severe stress, severe anxiety, severe mental and physical health problems, complete loss of motivation, inability to meet deadlines or finish assignments |
There are three main stages of burnout syndrome symptoms, which can ultimately lead to major burnout and brain fog. Similar to other mental problems, these stages are mild, moderate, and severe levels of symptoms that obviously worsen as time goes on without being managed.
With mild symptoms of burnout, you might find yourself stressed about a work project or a test for school, anxious about a presentation, or lazy and unmotivated. These feelings could arise from procrastination or minor overworking, resulting in unpreparedness that might further cause you stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
If your burnout slowly worsens, you will notice that your stress and anxiety levels will increase substantially, causing more fatigue and less productivity. You might even begin to notice changes in your physical health like weight gain, weight loss, or overall appearance. This can further strengthen your inability to complete assignments and projects correctly or on time.
Severe symptoms of burnout syndrome include all of the problems previously mentioned but at extremely high levels. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, physical health, laziness, procrastination, and failure to get your job done will all increase to overarching heights. If this is not managed properly, you could fall into even worse states that could lead to other health problems for your mind and body.
Find the Cause of Your Burnout
One of the best ways to prevent severe symptoms of burnout syndrome is to figure out why you are beginning to feel symptoms of burnout syndrome brain fog in the first place.
Finding the source of your anxiety, stress, and/or fatigue gives you an immediate head start in relieving yourself of these problems. Consider any underlying conditions you may have or recent experiences that might have caused your burnout syndrome to liven up.
Here are some common causes of burnout that stem from work life or school life:
Work and/or school are places where high productivity and long hours can easily result in stress, anxiety, and/or fatigue.
Maybe you have recently been worried about meeting a deadline for work, or you are studying for a final exam for school
Perhaps your workload has increased over the past few weeks, and you are finding it hard to juggle everything you need to do
Maybe you are not currently doing what you want to in life, or you are finding it difficult to meet personal goals in your situation
Work and school are likely two places where people who suffer from stress, anxiety, or fatigue find themselves struggling. Keeping up a productive lifestyle daily can be extremely tough to do, especially if it is not ideally what you want to be doing with your time.
Having a responsibility to succeed in your professional career can be a huge burden. The effects that that responsibility can cause might lead you on a direct path to burnout syndrome if you do not learn how to manage your symptoms.
Here are some reasons burnout occurs as a result of sleep deprivation or oversleeping:
Staying up or sleeping in too late can be major causes of mental health problems
Just because your body may not feel tired does not mean your brain is not tired either
Sleep deprivation can lead to severe fatigue, which will not benefit your productivity while you are awake
On the other hand, oversleeping can cause laziness and procrastination just as much as any anxiety-inducing event
It can be all too easy to stay up late at night playing a game on your phone or binge-watching your favorite television show. You want to get that one final episode in; the only problem is that one episode might lead to seven more episodes, causing you to mess up your sleep schedule.
Simultaneously, waking up in the morning can be just as difficult to make yourself do. Leaving the comfort of your bed is not always appealing to many people, especially when it means that you have a long day of work ahead of you.
Sleep deprivation and oversleeping can cause burnout syndrome if a safe equilibrium is not put into place.
Up next, here are just a few ways that burnout syndrome results from social life:
Worrying too much about hanging out with friends can cause you to fall behind on your professional or educational responsibilities
Neglecting school or work to socialize has drawbacks that you trade-off for fun times
A solid social life is healthy, but overindulging will have its consequences
Particularly if your social activities involve drinking or staying out late at night, these effects can be detrimental and burnout syndrome-inducing
As mentioned above, a good social life is essential to a sound mind. Having friends is a great benefit that can improve your overall mood throughout the day. It is good to have leisure time in moderation, but too much partying can lead to less productivity and success.
If you find yourself falling behind on work because you have spent too much time socializing, you might consider setting some restrictions on how much you allow yourself to go out.
Mental illness can often cause burnout syndrome. Here are some things to keep in mind if you feel like this might apply to you:
If you suffer from things like depression or anxiety, you might be more prone to developing burnout syndrome brain fog
Even with medication, mental illnesses can have a major effect on your mood, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and productivity
Depression can cause a lack of motivation, procrastination, and failure to complete projects
Anxiety can be increased and cause stress, overworking, and disorganization
Mental illnesses are no joke, and when they are not taken care of properly, they can be large factors that provide paths to burnout syndrome brain fog.
Getting caught up in your mental state can cause massive amounts of stress, anxiety, or fatigue, especially when you have no control over your mental illness.
Learning how to manage your mental health to manage burnout syndrome can greatly increase productivity and motivation while substantially decreasing stress and fatigue.
Consider Factors That Can Trigger Burnout Syndrome

After you find the main source of your burnout syndrome, it is important that you learn how to recognize signs that might trigger your source to cause burnout syndrome. These can typically be a bit more difficult to find than the main source causing your burnout syndrome because once these signs trigger your source, it might be too late to manage burnout syndrome so easily.
Below are some common signs that might trigger your source of burnout syndrome:
Source | Triggers |
Work or school | Large projects, difficult assignments, exams, shortened turnaround times, overworking, procrastination, disinterest |
Disorganized sleep schedule | Staying up too late, sleeping in too late, going to bed and waking up at different times every time you sleep, drinking alcohol before bed, interacting with technology before bed |
Social habits | Staying out too late, spending too much time with friends, finding it difficult to balance work and free time, missing deadlines because of your social life |
Previous/existing mental illnesses | Everyday occurrences that you have seen as triggers in the past, lack of physical and mental health, isolation, worrying, fatigue, lack of motivation, disinterest, indifference |
Regardless of the source that you believe is causing your burnout syndrome, there are always going to be sub-sources that trigger your main source into causing brain fog. Learning how to manage these triggers, which will be discussed shortly, is the best way to take care of your burnout syndrome.
Without yet getting too deep into specifics, one of the main ways to manage triggers and early signs of burnout syndrome brain fog is to stay organized and keep to a schedule. For school or work, try not to let yourself get behind on projects and assignments.
Set aside time during your day to get certain things done so that when due dates are near, you are not pressed for time, which could cause further procrastination, stress, anxiety, and poor productivity.
For a disorganized sleep schedule, try to get yourself to bed at a decent time on weeknights so that you can be well-rested for days ahead of you. Set alarms for mornings so that you have the motivation to get up and start your day.
Making yourself go to sleep and wake up on a structured schedule can greatly increase how you go about the rest of your day.
If you struggle with social habits, try to convince yourself that FOMO (fear of missing out) is not a valid reason for you to go out every night. Save your fun for the weekends, or at least limit yourself on your socializing throughout the week.
Your friends might struggle with the same problem, so they will likely understand. Who knows, maybe you will even convince them to follow in your footsteps.
If you already have existing mental illnesses, remember ways that you have personally dealt with your problems in the past. Whether it involves calming yourself down, getting active to improve your mood, or anything else, methods that you have already found useful for yourself can very much help you manage rising triggers.
How To Manage Burnout Syndrome
Now that you have learned how to recognize the causes of burnout syndrome and signs that can trigger those causes, it is time to learn how to manage these symptoms. As stated earlier, all of these methods might not work perfectly for you.
The important thing is that you find what does prove successful and learn how to perfect your management of your burnout syndrome. Other people’s advice can be helpful, but the best way for you to cope is by figuring out solutions in your own time.
Stay Healthy
It is recommended that you take care of your health by all doctors and all websites that you might visit that discuss mental health and burnout syndrome. While you might be tired of hearing this, it is truly one of the best ways to manage burnout syndrome.
For physical health, getting outside and being active for at least a little bit every day can improve your mindset immensely while also making your body feel better. Keeping up your mental health can also benefit from many factors.
It can be tough, but exercising is one of the best ways to simultaneously manage your physical and mental health. Going for a walk outside, staying in and riding an elliptical, and going to a gym for a grueling workout are all ways that can help you manage burnout syndrome.
Sometimes, one of the best ways to manage burnout syndrome is by getting your mind off of it. When you worry about your burnout syndrome, you are more prone to take on higher stress levels, anxiety, and fatigue. Exercising is a great way to clear your mind and temporarily stop thinking about symptoms that are causing you to have burnout syndrome brain fog.
Yes, another too-well-known remedy to staying healthy, but again, eating a rainbow of foods can benefit your health and lifestyle to the highest degree. This does not mean you have to go on a full-fledged diet or anything. You just might try mixing up your food options now and then to get the necessary nutrients that will strengthen you physically and mentally.
Another problem that might make it difficult to manage burnout syndrome is to eat too much or too little amounts of food. Overindulgence, especially in unhealthy foods, has been proven to lessen productivity and increase fatigue. Simultaneously, a lack of nutrients can prevent you from having enough energy to stay productive throughout your day.
Drinking plenty of water is also a great way to boost your energy. Dehydration is a major cause of exhaustion. It can cause further symptoms like stress and extreme fatigue. Ensuring that you get plenty of water throughout the day will improve both your physical and mental health.
Meditation is a very effective way to organize your mind. Sitting back and pondering things like what you need to do today or how you will get something specific done is a great way to organize the thoughts racing around your mind that might lead to burnout syndrome from stress or anxiety.
On the other hand, if you find your mind exploding with thoughts that trigger anxiety, meditation can also be a great way to clear your mind. By closing your eyes and simply listening to the world around you, you can allow unnecessary thoughts to flow out of your mind and away from the positive mentality, you are building.
While it has previously been stressed that mismanaging your social life can prove detrimental to taking care of burnout syndrome, it is still important that you have people around you who care about you. Yes, socializing too much can prevent you from crossing responsibilities off your list, but not socializing enough can also cause isolation that can make you stressed, depressed, and exhausted.
It is important that you reach out to others now and again and to spend time with people around you. Especially if you are experiencing something like burnout syndrome, brain fog, mental struggles, you should try to get past it completely on your own. If you are the type of person who would rather keep your mind struggles to yourself, however, socializing is another great way to temporarily get your mind off of your problems.
Social life is different for everyone. You have to learn how to balance your social and personal life so that you can go about your days as efficiently as possible. There is an interesting theory that extroverts gain energy from social encounters, and introverts lose energy from social encounters. Maybe figuring out your own personality type can be an easy step to organizing your social life.
Find Time to Relax

While finding ways to increase productivity and motivation are very important to managing burnout syndrome, it is also essential that you ensure you are setting aside enough time throughout your day to take breaks and relax. Everyone needs a brain break every now and then, and that can be difficult if you are suffering from symptoms of burnout syndrome.
As with many other things in this article, one of the easiest ways to manage this method of treating burnout syndrome is by staying organized. Below are some techniques to consider as well as benefits that finding time to relax will provide.
Stop and Stare
Sometimes the best way to relieve yourself of a few hours of hard work is to simply sit back and let your brain relax.
Of course, this might not be the best method for you if you might struggle with keeping your thoughts in place, but for some people, clearing your mind by doing nothing for ten minutes is sufficient for a work-break.
Get Moving
Another good way to relax is by getting active. Of course, relaxing does not have to be staying stationary.
Maybe your form of relaxation is going for a walk or getting a workout in. Or, maybe you might benefit simply from going away from your workplace, stretching your legs, and getting out the tension and stress of sitting at a computer all day.
Take a Lunch Break
Even if you are working from home, you can still kill two birds with one stone with this technique. By relaxing during your lunch break, you get time off from a hard day’s work while also fueling yourself with nutrients to provide energy for the rest of your day.
Benefits that taking a break provide:
Increased Productivity | Your select method of relaxation will improve your productivity. If you work too hard and for too long at a time, you will drain your energy and be less productive before you are finished working. |
Refocusing | Taking a break allows you to separate yourself from your work and reboot your brain to focus more strongly on things you need to get done throughout the day. |
Managing Burnout Syndrome | By finding a balance between work and rest, you will simultaneously aid in balancing your stress, anxiety, and fatigue levels. |
Self-control | Taking a break also allows you to practice discipline so that you do not overwork yourself, further preventing stress and anxiety that will fuel brain fog. |
Do Not Overwork Yourself

The severity of overworking yourself has been briefly touched on throughout this article. Still, it deserves its own section because overworking is one of the easiest ways to stimulate burnout syndrome.
Work can be tough as it is, causing high levels of stress, anxiety, and fatigue even when you do not have a lot to do. Still, when your workload becomes overwhelmingly stacked, you can fall into the severe stages of burnout syndrome brain fog quicker than you might realize.
Below are examples of how overworking can cause your productivity and mental health to decrease dramatically. It is important that you recognize if you are overworking yourself, and you must learn to make yourself stop when you need to. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a pit of burnout syndrome that is not easily escaped.
Overworking yourself can cause an immense amount of brain fog that can confuse you. If your mind is not right, you will not be able to function efficiently. This does not just apply to work or school.
Overworking can extend out to all other facets of your life in which you need time and energy. If you drain the energy in your brain, you can lose track of your work and other things you need to do throughout the day, like exercise, socialize, and take care of yourself.
Extreme Fatigue
Overworking can cause just as much – if not more – fatigue than sleep deprivation. Imagine working for twelve hours straight without breaks for relaxation, food, or anything.
It is highly likely that this will have a substantially negative effect on your physical and mental health. By expending all of your energy on one project or job, you will not have any extra energy to perform the daily activities that you need to.
High Stress and Anxiety
If you overwork yourself, you might develop habits that convince you that not working as hard as you did that one time is bad. As a result, you might struggle to stay productive constantly, which will cause stress if you fail to do so and anxiety if you worry about failing to do so.
As you can see, burnout syndrome brain fog is a very serious struggle that many people face, though it can be manageable. Long days of hard work can cause stress, anxiety, and fatigue levels to skyrocket and prevent you from feeling your best, both physically and mentally.
If you follow some, all, or even one of these steps, you should learn how to better manage your burnout syndrome and get back into the swing of things.
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