How Common Is Burnout In Health Care Workers?

Health care workers have one of the most demanding jobs in the world, especially now. With the existence of a global pandemic and growing health concerns, those in the healthcare industry are called on more than ever, and yet, it is not anything new to them. However, neither is the burnout associated with their stressful… Continue reading How Common Is Burnout In Health Care Workers?

How To Recognize Burnout In Health Care Workers: A Quick Guide

Healthcare in the 21st century is facing a pandemic other than COVID-19: the burnout of health care workers. Burnout affects almost half of American physicians and nurses. This increasing problem is detrimental to both healthcare workers and their patients and is contributing to an overall shortage of healthcare professionals. Symptoms of burnout include three major… Continue reading How To Recognize Burnout In Health Care Workers: A Quick Guide

Should You Work Part-Time to Deal with Burnout Syndrome

When dealing with burnout, a common remedy that people try is reducing their hours. Short of leaving your job altogether to get rid of the stress, you may be considering working part-time.  Working part-time may help healthcare workers deal with the tiredness that comes with burnout. However, it may not help with the other aspects… Continue reading Should You Work Part-Time to Deal with Burnout Syndrome